miércoles, 11 de julio de 2012

A) Idiomatic Future

Afirmative way

Subject + am / is + going to + verb + complement


  • I am going to pass this course wiht good marck
  • Mary is going to takee an exam tomorrow
  • John is going to by a new dress
  • They are going to marry this weekend

Negative way

Subject + am not / isn´t / aren´t + going to + verb in infinitive + complement


  • They aren´t going to go with us to the trip
  • Mike isn´t going to participate in the competition
  • You aren´t going o help them as you had said
  • Jane isn´t going to share her toys with her cousins
  • It isn´t going to rain today in the afternoon
  • Mary isn´t going to call you by phone


a.- Are you going to joinnus today?
b.- Yes, i am / No im not

a.- Is john going to play videogames again?
b.-Yes he is / No, hisn´t
a.- What are you going to do tomorrow?
b.- I am going to go to the downtown

a.- Where are you going to study the university?
b.- I am going to study it in mexico city..

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