martes, 17 de julio de 2012

F) Tag Questions

Within the several ways that there are in English to ask a specific question we can find the TAG QUESTION which are going to be used when we want somebody else to confirm what we have already said into a conversation that we are having with that person; in other words we can say that the TAG QUESTIONS are the last part of a question itself and we will only have to take care about the auxiliaries or modals that we are using on the first part, since it will help us to denote what it’s an the by the personal pronoun that is the some as the subject.


  • Mary is very intelligent at maths, isn’t she?
  • They have been studying English for a long time, haven’t they?
  • You didn’t go to the party yesterday, did you?
  • Mike lives in that city, doesn’t he?
  • He can’t speak German, can he?
  • I don’t like that kind of music, do I?
  • You sing a song, don’t you?
  • We should do the homework, shouldn’t we?
  • You may not come in there, may you?
  • There are going  to marry this weekend, aren’t they?
  • I would like to travel abroad, wouldn’t I?
  • She has a lot of friends, doesn’t she?

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